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Rabbit Fur Bag for Hunters


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5 - 7 days 10.00 DHL
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This rabbit fur bag was designed for hunters. You are going out there, to the woods, and you want a small bag to carry some basic things, like your ammo; however, everything has become so industrialized lately that all you find in the stores are "nice" plastic bags. A hunter needs something more manly than that, something that reminds him what hunting is about. This is a product thought for that.

This is a shoulder bag made 100% of rabbit fur in the Peruvian Andes.

  • - Weight: 208 grams / 0.46 lbs
  • - Bag: 9.8" H x 9.8" W x 1" D
  • - Drop length: 15" from strap to bag
  • - 100% of rabbit fur